
【TOTU】for APPLE·明系列数据线!120CM透明线身,LED炫彩亮灯,双面可以,时尚炫彩

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产品名称:明系列 for APPLE

Item Name: Indicator series for APPLE


  1. 透明扁形设计,120CM最完美线身,时尚美观,防止线材缠绕打结

    Transparent sector design,120CM length transparent noodle cable, not easy to get tied.

  2. 独特双面式可用设计,USB和Lighting接头正反两面都可以使用,避免线头插错的烦恼

    USB and Lightning plug both sides can pluginto the jack.

  3. Lightning接头独特LED炫彩闪光设计,贴心红.绿颜色提示充电状态,既能保证充电和传输效率,日常使用更方便

    LED lightning plug, red and green color to tell the charging status, convenient forusing.

  4. 8针信号超强设计,高于普通数据线的2倍传输,高效充电,外形轻巧 占用空间小,方便携带

    8 pin signal, twice faster than normal cable, and small size for easy carrying.

  5. 极速2.1A电流输出,完美支持IOS8系统,兼容苹果所以Lightning接口电子设备

    2.1A output, can be used on IOS8.

  6. 采用环保进口TPE材料为线身,外层结合高档透明TPU,弹性好,耐热阻燃,具有优良的耐低温性能,健康安全无毒

    The cable is made of imported TPE material, which makes it transparency, it is goodelasticity, heat-resist, eco-friendly.

  7. 国际标准线芯,五线七芯设计,每根铜丝都通过镀锡处理,防氧化,抗干扰,延长使用寿命

    Internationalstandard conductor, every copper wire is processed by tinning process, whichmakes it antioxidant and anti-interference.

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